Downloading data Form

* Requeired



  1. 1. 1. Include the following statement in the acknowledgements section of your publication: The data and the time series product is property of the Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE). The climatology database is accessible through the IMARPE webpage:

  2. 2. Cite the following publications:

  3. Grados, C. y K. Vásquez. Long term variability of sea surface temperature along the Peruvian coast: 1960-2018 (to be submitted).

  4. 3. Send us the publication or the reference of the published manuscript to [email protected] or by regular mail to:

  5. Dirección General de Investigaciones Oceanográficas
    Instituto del Mar del Perú
    Esquina Gamarra y General Valle S/N
    Chucuito, Callao
    Casilla Postal N° 22, Callao

  6. 4. In order to activate the discharge of the data you need to read and confirm the acceptance of the terms of reference.

  7. The User acknowledges that the Product was developed by IMARPE for its own research purposes. Therefore, IMARPE will not be responsible for the interpretation, inconsistencies, discrepancies, errors or omissions in any or all the data and/or products supplied.

    Any use or dependence by the User of the data and/or Product is the responsibility of the User. IMARPE will not be responsible for any loss or damage that may arise as a result of such use.

    The User accepts IMARPE as the source of the data and/or Product or any part of them derived from the Product in all publications.

    The User agrees to indemnify and exempt IMARPE resposibility from any loss or damage (including rights arising from the negligence or infringement of the intellectual property of third parties) suffered by IMARPE as a result of the User's use or reliance on the data.